Monday, August 19, 2013

Vocabulary #1

1. Adumbrate- To foreshadow

"The teacher adumbrated to his class that there would be homework based on what they read in class."

2. Apotheosis- Elevation to divine status

"This is the literary apotheosis of a 'fish out of water' story."

3. Ascetic- Strict self-denial as a measure of personal discipline

"Feeling fat, Jim went on an ascetic diet of nothing but fruits and grains."

4. Bauble- Trinket

"I bought a couple little baubles at a tent at the fair."

5. Beguile- To lead by deception

"She was so persuasive, she was able to beguile her friends to do most of her homework."

6. Burgeon- To send forth a new growth

"The market for smart phones has burgeoned in recent years."

7. Complement- Filling up, or completing something

"His hat was a perfect complement to his shirt."

8. Contumacious- Stubbornly disobedient

"The young buy was rather contumacious when he refused to pick up the piece of paper when his mother asked him."

9. Curmudgeon- An ill-tempered old man

"The curmudgeon that lives down the street does nothing but sit on his front porch, and yell at the kids that go on his lawn."

10. Didactic- Designed or intended to teach

"Long after the death of Poe, his work became didactic to show students dark romanticism."

11. Disingenuous- Giving a false appearance

"He thought Bill was a nice guy, but it turned out he was quite disingenuous, and was quite a rude person."

12. Exculpate- To clear from alleged fault or guilt

"The man was exculpated by the court when it was proved he was not guilty."

13. Faux Pas- A social blunder

"He made quite a faux pas when he accidentally arrived early to the party."

14. Fulminate- To say or send out with denunciation

"The speaker was quite fulminating when talking about the dangers of smoking."

15. Fustian- High-flown or affected writing or speech

"The writing of the author was quite fustian because of his past experiences."

16. Hauteur- Arrogance

"She looked at him with the hauteur of someone who is usually obeyed."

17. Inhibit- To prohibit from doing something

"Most grocery stores inhibit people riding skateboards nearby."

18. Jeremiad- A prolonged lamentation or complaint

"A jeremiad was filed to the manager of the local hardware store by an angry customer who was unsatisfied with customer service."

19. Opportunist- One who likes to take many opportunities

"He was quite an opportunist, and wanted to try to strive for the manager position."

20. Unconscionable- Not guided or controlled by conscience

"He was rather unconscionable when he went out and blew his money on a new car."

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