Thursday, January 9, 2014

AP Prep Post 1: Siddhartha

All questions were found here:

1. What does Siddhartha decide to study? How is that the one field he has been ignorant in?

He begins to start studying himself, though he didn't study himself through other people around him.

2. Why does he feel an “icy chill”? He compares himself to a star. How is that so? 

He feels an icy chill because of how he now alone in the world

3. How is he different now?

4. What is the “Self”? Why has it occupied Siddhartha so? 

5. When Siddhartha “awakes” from his dream, what does he see for the first time?

To answer the last three, I think we could read a bit more into Siddhartha, and have peer to peer discussions with their interpretations on what they have read, and maybe try to answer some other questions people have posted, or just general questions that one might have.

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