Sunday, April 13, 2014

Macbeth Act 4 Notes

The Witches begin by making an odd mixture in their cauldron with ingredients including a toad, a slice of swamp snake, a scale of a dragon, a witch's mumified flesh, a stomach of a shark, a goat's bile, twigs that were broken during a lunar eclipse, a Tartar's lips, and the finger of a baby that was strangled as a prostitute gave birth to it

They cool the mixture down with baboon blood

Macbeth intrudes on thw witches and wants to know more about his future. They warn him about Macduff

Lennox informs Macbeth that Macduff had fled to England

Lady Macduff does not seem sadened by the fleeing of her husband. "Oh, I can buy twenty husbands at any market"

One of the murderers that Macbeth hired murders Macduff's son

Malcom and Macduff discuss how Macbeth is a murderous villian, Macduff also tries to convince Malcom to fight Macbeth

Ross comes to visit the two and inform about what is all going on in Scottland

The three plot revenge on Macbeth

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